Tuesday, November 5, 2013


There is always plenty of time to talk in the country.  Driving from one place the the next usually takes at least 15 minutes.

Day two, Wednesday, I went to work with Jammye, at the King County Court House.  One of the few businesses in Guthrie, besides the post office, and Ranches.  Around noon, Kelsey, Jammye's daughter, came to pick me up for the day.  Kelsey, and her second daughter, Kendall, and I, went back to her mom's house.  We made some lunch and packed some of her belongings in the car, to move to her new house, about 15 minutes away.  While making lunch she wanted to hear more about my trip and why I was doing it.  She told me she had read some of my blog posts and really enjoyed them.  That warmed my heart :).  We are the same age, so it was nice to have someone to relate to on that level.  She told me how it was growing up in a small ranch town, in the middle of no where... having to drive up and down a 9 mile drive way every day.  We talked about our struggles in relationships, parents, and understanding ourselves.  I really respected her ability to keep swimming in the hard times she has had, and to thrive with family on and on.  It seems like she has developed the habit of doing onto others how she deserves to be treated, rather well.  Most everybody out here has... people really communicate and come together... From observation, she doesn't half ass life either.   She has, through the small things I noticed,  done them quickly and cleanly... maybe that is something you start to catch onto through motherhood.

After lunch, packing the car, and Kendall's nap... we headed back behind the house to find their dogs that had been roaming around, not to be seen, for 3 or 4 days.  Jammye was a bit worried.  The wild hogs had been coming pretty close to the house lately, and instinctively, the dogs would rally to chase them off...you never know what can happen when a hog is involved.  We found them sitting on an old mattress in the yard behind the house, content as can be.  Probably there to protect their people from coyotes and hogs.

After leading the dogs back to the house, and watching the cowboys practicing for their rodeo in Amarillo.  We went to her new home, where I met her husband, Clint.  Jammye came over an hour later, with Kelsey's first daughter, CJ.  We made tacos for dinner and visited a bit more.  It was nice to meet some new people with good stories, my age.  I enjoyed hearing about their upbringings, discovering our similarities and differences.
Jammye and I missed bible study, but it was worth spending time with her family.  We drove back through the dark abyss of cotton, and wheat.  The wide open sky makes for the best sunsets and inspires calmness.
I could see this as a future lifestyle.  Just gotta find me a cowboy.

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