Saturday, January 12, 2013

"Shall we"

I am alive :) 
and doing great!

It has been a week since I have started The Young and Wild Expedition 2013.   If you don't already know, it is a cross country bike ride from Little Talbot Island, Florida to San Diego, CA and then up North to Seattle Washington...5 months, 8 riders, $40 a day for food.
Along the way we are working with local nonprofits and spending time doing community service projects.  

So far everything we have encountered has been exactly what we needed in order to be prepared for what is headed our way in the next few weeks.  
A couple of days with rain
Damp cold nights
Wet rides on bike trails
Camp fires
Beach time
Building bikes
Cleaning bikes
And "House keeping"

As of today, as a group, I am completely confident in the ability in every member of this team to succeed in this ride.  We will, together, be breaking physical and mental barriers we never imagined.  Personally, I have learned a lot about myself in ways I can't quite wrap my head around yet.  This will be a rather weak post unfortunately due to a lack of sleep and lack of understanding exactly how to put into words what I am feeling.  I am feeling more alive from day to day as I am pushed further and further out of my comfort zone.  Things I have always avoided feeling or thinking are slowly but surely washing up to shore.  

The sights, people, riding, and food has been so amazing so far.
I will have wonderful stories of generous hearts and breathe taking sights to share as the universe unfolds our journey to us.  

"People were putting themselves where they weren't supposed to be.
And I wanted to be there too."
-Jeff Johnson

Stay tuned :)


  1. Wow! Enjoy your time, learn all you can. I am so incredibly jealous, wish they had an Old Explorers group!

  2. Thanks Carol :) It is definitely not where I expected to be 3 years post massage school! Go out and find something. There are so many things to be done!
