Saturday, December 15, 2012


I was talking with a good client of mine, Thomas, about the ride in January.  He had so many questions like most do!  Being a cyclist himself, he had some questions that made me think myself...but he also had some great encouragement!
I told him I was probably most intimidated by the wind and the cold wind.
He said he used to hate the wind himself.
Then he realized it is just another challenge.
It is not bad, it just is what it is.
And then, when it is on your side, you are flying (down the road)!
So all in all, I took this as easing my fear of the windy days, and appreciating the calm days even more.
It will slow you down, but so is a part of the journey.
Embrace it for what it is, don't hate it for what your frustration thinks it is.

*Art appreciation 
"Japanese artist Tomoko Sioyasu's work is based on nature and echoes organic shapes and rhythms, mimicking water, wind, and cells.  Using the traditional art of paper-cutting, the sculptures are transformed using utility knives and soldering irons, forming delicate tapestries that defy imagination."

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